
Welcome! ^^
x-Ashelia-x is a blog of Asian music. Most of the music videos are
Japanese (Jpop, Jrap, Jrock, JR&B, Visual Kei,...) and there is only a few K-Pop ones, the PVs/MVs are followed by their respective single/album informations. [!!no downloads!!]
The videos will sometimes come from my accounts on the Web:

Dailymotion: Ashelia + DestinyIsland

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Misachi Kyushima - Rita no Baai [PV]

Kyushima Misachi
is a Japanese pop/rock artist on the Dreamusic label

Kyushima Misachi (久嶋美さち)
Real Name: Kyushima Misachi (久嶋みさち - Hiragana spelling of forename)
Birthdate: November 26, 1980
Miyazaki, Japan

In her hometown of Miyazaki, Kyushima Misachi had made a promise that she would become a singer. Surprisingly, Misachi had very weak lungs as a child due to bad asthma, but when her parents read in the paper that folk music is good for asthma, she began singing. Misachi loved living in Miyazaki and was soon singing to the mountain by her home daily. Participating in contests throughout her school life, Misachi won first place in 6th year elementary and first year junior high. By the time she was in high school, Misachi was fully devoted to folk music.
After high school ended, Misachi was 18 and working as a beautician. Whenever the stress of work got to her, she would sing to herself and feel better. The one thing she wanted to do before she died was sing so that everybody could hear her voice. She quit work at 21 and became a street performer in Miyazaki.
Misachi moved from Miyazaki to Tokyo at 23 to begin her professional solo music career. She finally debuted in winter of 2005 with the pop/rock ballad Missing You, and three months later her first album was released. After a seven month period of no releases, Misachi released her third single Ihoujin, a cover of the 1979 hit by Kubota Saki. None of her releases reached the Oricon charts. [wiki theppn]


Dans sa ville natale Miyazaki, Kyushima Misachi a toujours été promise à un destin de chanteuse. Etonnamment, Misachi qui avait de l'asthme étant enfant possédait de faibles poumons. Mais lorsque ses parents apprirent que le chant aidait à améliorer l'asthme, ils la poussèrent à chanter. Très vite, Misachi commença la musique folk. Elle gagna plusieurs concours de chant dans son école et avant d'aller au lycée, elle mit corps et âme dans la musique folklorique.
Après le lycée, du haut de ses 18 ans, Misachi commença à travailler en tant d'esthéticienne. Et dès qu'elle se sentait épuisée par le travail, elle chantait.
L'une des choses qu'elle aurait voulu faire avant de mourir était que tout le monde ait pu entendre sa voix. Du coup, elle arrêta le travail à 21 ans et devena une artiste de rue.
A 23 ans, Misachi déménagea à Tokyo pour commencer une carrière solo dans la musique professionnelle. Elle débuta finalement en décembre 2005 avec une ballade pop/rock, "Missing You" et trois mois plus tard, son premier album suivit. Après 7 mois sans sorties, Ihoujin, son troisième single voit le jour.
Malheureusement, aucun de ses singles n'a atteint le top Oricon. [nautlijon]

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